allergic dog foods

Allergies are not just confined to humans. Even dogs develop a lot of allergies. While considering the allergic food for dogs, it is important to know the difference between food intolerance and food allergy in dogs. One should understand that there often exists a huge difference between food intolerance and allergy dog food. For most of the dogs, skin and gastrointestinal problems result not just because of food allergy but due to several environmental factors like pollen or as a result of sensitivity to certain foods.

The immune system of a dog identifies some particular food ingredient as harmful and the body starts to create defensive antibodies in order to fight these foods. This is what is referred to as a food allergy in dogs. Dogs can become allergic to certain foods if they have the genetic predisposition to develop food allergies. These dogs are most commonly allergic to food stuffs like fish, rabbit, pork, soy, lamb or mutton, chicken, egg, wheat, dairy and beef.

Beef – It has been found that proteins are one of the most common allergens. If you feed the dog a similar food for many years, it tends to develop an allergy or intolerance to its ingredients. Beef is one of the most common ingredients used in pet foods .Hence it is also the leading cause of allergies in dogs. People can avoid it by feeding dogs a series of different foods on a rotational basis.

Dairy – Some dogs are lactose intolerant .This lactose intolerance leads to ailments like vomiting, diarrhea and even acidity. Dairy allergy also causes a similar set of symptoms .Sometimes it even produces skin itchiness or other types of skin allergies. This in turn should be avoided by preventing or limiting the use of dairy products.

Wheat – Dogs in general have more allergic due to meat. The allergy caused due to consumption of grains is minimal in dogs. But some of the dogs are allergic to meat .You should take care to check with your vet or pet nutritionist about the grains to feed for your dog.

Eggs – Some of the dogs are allergic to eggs. They react adversely to the proteins that are present in egg yolk. It is comparatively easier to avoid eggs in dog food products than other sources of protein.

Lamb – People initially were giving lamb meat if they found that their dog is allergic to chicken or meat. But then they found out about dogs that were allergic to lamb meat as well. As a substitute venison and sweet potato were provided to dogs.

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